Achilles is a male Liger born in 2016. He and his sister Aphrodite arrived at Octagon in 2017 due to overcrowding at the facility they were at. Ligers, bred between a lion (dad) and tiger (mom), often have major health problems causing a shorter life span of about 13-18 years. Achilles and Aphrodite love to chase around and swim in their pool.
Aphrodite is a female Liger born in 2016. Ligers are created by breeding a male lion with a female tiger. Aphrodite came to the sanctuary in 2017 with her brother Achilles from an overcrowded facility that no longer could care for them.
Kondo is a male African Lion born in 2011 in a wildlife park up north. He was aggressive with other lions, so the vet at the park advised he be euthanized. Thankfully, we were able to get him relocated here. He adjusted very well and seems to love his forever home. Kondo is very vocal and will frequently roar, which gets all the other animals to chime in. Kondo's favorite food is whole turkeys, which take him very little time to devour!
Bosu is a Barbary Lion born in 2016. He came from a facility that was downsizing. He loves showers by the volunteers and his favorite enrichment is pumpkins!
Barbary Lions lived in the mountains and deserts of the Barbary Coast of North Africa from Moracco to Egypt and are now extinct in the wild. They are one of the largest lion sub-species of lions. They can live up to 25 years under human care.
Rebel is a male lion and is 8 years old. He was brought to Octagon along with Oden and was also used in photography as a baby. He was very thin but is now a healthy happy boy!