Kali is a female black bear born in 1999. She was confiscated by USDA and FWC in June of 2008. She was foced to travel all over the US in a box car without air or fresh water. They only fed her dog food and popcorn. She was very ill when she arrived at the sanctuary. She now has a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, and vitamins daily that keeps her quite satisfied. She loves to lounge in the pool or sleep under her wooden shelf in her enclosure. The average life span for black bears is about 20 yrs, but sometimes much longer under good human care.
Shirley is a female Himalayan Brown Bear born in 1985. She arrived along with her sister Laverne and Squiggy in 1996
after being confiscated by authorities. The three were used in commercials, but when they didn't perform, they were beaten with pipes. Himalayan Brown Bears are critically endangered. They can have a life span of 20-30 years in the wild, and up to 50 years when cared for well by humans.
Noogie is a male Syrian Brown Bear born in 2016. Syrian bears are native to the Middle East, however, they are officially extinct in Lebanon, Syria and Israel. The average weight is approximately 500lbs. Life in the wild is 20-30 yrs, but they can live up to 40 yrs under human care. Noogie loves to eat his fresh fruits and veggies as well as chicken and certain meats.
Squiggy is a male Grizzly Bear born in 1981. He arrived at Octagon along with Laverne and Shirley in 1996 after being confiscated by authorities. The three were used in commercials, but when they didn't perform, they were beaten with pipes. The Grizzly Bear has a life expectancy of 15-34 yrs in the wild, but some have lived as long as 47 years under good human care. Squiggy loves their huge pool and you will see him many times playing along with Laverne and Shirley. He also loves to splash the cleaners as they walk by.
Dottie is a female Sicilian Brown Bear born in 2019. She and her enclosure mate, Leah arrived at Octagon in 2021. Leah is a Kodiak Bear also born in 2019. Kodiak Bears are a subspecies of Grizzly Bears and inhabit the Kodiak Islands of Alaska. They can live up to 25 yrs in the wild, but a bit longer under good human care.
They came from a non profit facility that was moving out of state and were very well cared for. Brown bears such as Dottie have a lifespan of around 20-30 yrs in the wild and can live up to 50 yrs under caring humans. Dottie and Leah are very energentic and entertaining when playing and swimming in their pool. Both bears have been introduced to a variety of fresh fruits and veggies they have never had and LOVE them.
Laverne is Shirley's sister born in 1985.
She suffered the same abuse as Shirley and Squiggy. All three of them receive a steady diet of fruit, veggies, fish and chicken on a daily basis.
They all love their enrichment treats of gingerbread houses and tubes (made with all animal safe materials) filled with nuts, marshmallows and popcorn.