Amy is an African Spur Tortoise, about 20+ years old. She was at another facility spending all her time on a tile floor. So visitors to that place worked on getting her brought out to us so she could have a bigger area and softer ground to cruise around on. She was not fed properly which caused stunted growth, legs and shell. It doesn't seem to keep her from livin' the good life with her other tortoise friends.
Bobbie is a male African Spur tortoise born in 2000. He came from a private owner that lived in Indiana. Bobbie does know his name and will come when we call him. He loves corn on the cob! It’s amazing to watch him eat it, just like a human! He has quite the personality.
Houses with heating lamps and hay are provided for our tortoises during the winter months. They usually can’t take temps under 60 degrees.
Captain Jack, our one eyed alligator was confiscated with others by FWC from a private owner without proper permits.
He knows his name and will lift his head when talked to.
Thor is a male African Spur Tortoise and is approximately 30+ yrs old. He joined the Octagon family when his owner passed away. He suffers from digestive issues and requires monitoring and frequent diet changes.